Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Im going to totally ignore that I have not posted anything for a while... a long while. Today I came across a website called "Dog Shaming" ( I could not stop laughing! People posting pictures telling on the naughty stuff their dogs do gives me comfort that I am not the only one who have spoiled dogs. It is worth taking a look for the laughs alone! I thought to myself, I should submit a picture of Stella and Copper! I know I know it is hard to believe that these precious dogs would do anything wrong...
Well believe it or not it is possible and to be honest I think it makes them feel good to get this off their chest :)
By the way I am fully aware that I spelled squeak wrong ... but not till I took the pics. SO what one should I submit?? I know there is only a couple (embarrassing I could of kept going!)